
Monthly average temperatures for three cities.

Monthly percipitations for three cities.
 Climate Type:
        Ghana has a Tropical Climate. On the southeast coast it is warm and comparetively dry. On the southwest side it is hot and humid. The north side of Ghana is hot and dry. So the locations makes the climate slightly change.

         The annual range for temperature in Accra, Ghana is 4 degrees of celcius and the annual percipitation range is 184mm. The annual range in temperature in Kumasi, Ghana is 3.1 degrees of celcius and the annual percipitation range is 198mm. The annnual range for temperature in Denver is 22 degrees of celcius and the annual percipitation range is 46mm. The annual temperature range in Denver is a lot greater than the range in Accra and Kumasi. The annual percipitation range in Denver is a lot less then in either of the other two cities. The temperatures in Accra and Kumasi do not have a large range of temperatures the two cities tends to constently keep hot through out the year. Althou the temperatures may not have a big varience the percipitation does and the amount of it varies greatly from month to month.

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